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The Original SupaVac -
Ultra Tough Solids Vacuum Pumps.

Pumping the un-pumpable!


Australian Quality

SupaVac is designed and manufactured to the highest standards.


Global Distribution

SupaVac is so good, it is supplied and distributed worldwide.


From Custom Solutions to Installation

SupaVac does it all to ensure our customers are happy.


SupaVac Mini

Small addition to a big family.

What is SupaVac?

SupaVac pumps are 100% air-powered, intrinsically safe pneumatic conveying solutions, capable of transferring solid sizes up to 70% of the inlet diameter. A unique patented Venturi design creates a strong vacuum and high airflow to recover material up to 50 meters (164 ft) and discharge up to 1000 meters (3280 ft).

With no internal workings and no rotating wearing parts, SupaVac pumps provide a very cost-effective solution for controlling, recovering, and transferring materials considered un-pumpable.

Proudly Australian designed and manufactured, SupaVac pumping solutions are suitable for the most challenging applications around the world.


Browse the SupaVac product range to find the right pump for your application.

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SupaVac covers a wide range of applications and industries.

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SupaVac has a global network of distributors to provide local support for your application needs.

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SupaVac offers a full range of services, including onsite commissioning, start-up, servicing and upgrading, and maintenance training, available from remote sites in Australia to anywhere in the world.

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Proudly Australian designed and manufactured, 100% air-powered, intrinsically safe pneumatic conveying solutions with 30+ years of infield experience.

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Contact us for sales and technical inquiries.

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Want to see SupaVac pumps in action?

Urgent requirement? Not a problem for SupaVac!
A couple of weeks ago, we supplied an ex-stock SV60-V2 to our Australian distributor, Dynapumps, for an urgent requirement in the Northern Territory. Their customer was so impressed with the performance of the SupaVac pump that they placed an additional order late Monday afternoon for 2 more SV60-V2 units, which were ready for collection on Tuesday and are now on their way. The SV60-V2s sold out so quickly that we did not even have time to take pictures.
At SupaVac, we are fortunate to have our products produced in-house. We design, manufacture, and build both standard models and bespoke solutions tailored for unique applications.
As part of a larger engineering group, @airautomationgroup , we can offer design, fabrication, and full turnkey solutions, even within tight deadlines.

#supavac #solidscontrol #solidspumps #vacuumpumps #slurrypumps #slurrymanagement #australia #dynapumps #dyna
SupaVac pumps have been used worldwide to provide effective solutions for a wide range of product transfer challenges, environmental spill control, hazardous environments, and more.
With increasing demand in the marine industry, SupaVac offers versatile solutions whether you need a small, compact pump or a larger, fixed-installation unit for the toughest tasks. These applications go beyond FPSO tank cleaning and desludging, as demonstrated by the work in progress shared by our customer, ZAR Lynx, using a 10-year-old SV-110, which is still going strong. They also extend to bilge cleaning, spill management, vacuum cleaning of barge and vessel bottoms, and efficient waste recovery during time-critical hull and deck maintenance.
#supavac #fpso #tankcleaning #marineindustry #bilgecleaning #tankdesludging #desludging #spillmanagement #wasterecovery #deckmaintenance
It is always great to receive good reviews from customers, but it is even better when they spread the word, helping connections in their network become SupaVac users too!
This time, we received positive feedback from a captain of a fire department about our SV Mini Super Dragin unit, a compressed air-powered wet vacuum that never burns out. It is a powerful spill-control solution designed to address liquid clean-up challenges simply and affordably. Unlike regular wet vacuums, it has no moving parts to break down, burn out, or block up!
#svmini #svdragin #supavacmini #draginpump #liquidspill #oilleak #wastedisposal #supavac #spillcontrol
While Norway is deep in winter, SupaVac’s distributor @envitec_norway keeps operations moving with their green SupaVac pumps, standing out like snowdrops in a snowy landscape.

From rental solutions to sales projects, our units continue to deliver outstanding performance no matter the challenge.
#supavac #solidscontrol #solidspumps #vacuumpumps #envitec #norway #europe
One of our customers from Africa was so impressed with the control system on their recently purchased SV250-V-600RF pumps that they shipped their old pumps from a competitor brand to receive a Next Generation control system upgrade. This upgrade includes dual pumping synchronisation and adjustable discharge pressure, retrofitted for an FPSO top deck cleaning application.
As part of this project, the SupaVac team also provided retrofit kits for their existing SV250 units, featuring a 1200 CFM nozzle. This enhancement will significantly increase air inlet velocity and vertical suction lift capability.
Blue or white, with SupaVac, FPSO tank cleaning is done right!
#supavac #fpso #tankcleaning #solidscontrol #solidspump #slurrypumps #africa
ZAR Lynx Sdn Bhd in action onboard an FPSO demonstrates the power of the SupaVac SV110-V pump. 

Installed inside a Cargo Oil Tank (COT), it operates with a 10m suction hose and a 130m discharge hose, pumping vertically up 30m and horizontally 100m along the top deck.

This setup minimises the need for personnel inside the tank, providing significant safety and operational advantages, particularly under FPSO limitations. Compared to manual tank cleaning, the SV110-V achieves a removal rate 2.5 times faster, delivering both efficiency and reliability.

To learn more about SupaVac solutions for FPSO operations, send your enquiry to

#supavac #fpso #tankcleaning #cot #cargooil #cargooiltank #solidscontrol #solidspump #slurrypumps
Back in Blue😎

The SupaVac office has officially reopened after the Christmas break! We are kicking off 2025 strong, with these 4 x SV510 pumps heading out the door as part of our latest Middle East order.

#supavac #middleeast #oilandgas #oilandgasmiddleeast #fpso #marine #mining
While much of the world is covered in snow and preparing to celebrate Christmas, here in Australia, we’re facing extreme heat, though these 2 x SV110s and the SV250 remind us of icebergs.

A big thanks to Angie, who stepped in from another department to help us build more pumps and meet the increased demand for EOY shipments under tight deadlines.

#supavac #solidscontrol #oilandgas #solidspumps #fpso #marine #mining

About SupaVac

Since 1993 the patented SupaVac product range has been designed & manufactured in Australia and demanded globally across a wide range of industries with proven performance in the most challenging applications.

The SupaVac patented product range is owned and manufactured by precision engineering company Poche Engineering, with 80+ years of manufacturing experience and part of the larger engineering group, Fluid Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd.

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